Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I do my best thinking in the shower -- and yesterday's shower produced this thought. I DO WANT TO HAVE A BLOG OF MY OWN.

I live in a world of people who communicate and live by blog. It's sort of surreal and has taken some time to get used to.

I have been an advocate of using the blog for business for a long time now... but that's not what I want to use this one for. I want to use this one for ME.

I work with a great man who is always telling me to keep a journal. (I thought it sounded dumb at first) but he says its a great way to know where you are....where you are headed and where you have been.

And frankly, amazing things are happening in my life and I think having a place to record those highs and lows might help to give me the outside perspective that I have been missing. (At the very least -- it should make for a good laugh every now and then.)

I just celebrated a birthday, created a wonderful new beach home for myself and made a committement to really move beyond the things that I have held as limitations in my life.

The funny thing about making a committement to change onself is that -- all the stuff you need to change starts to show up.

It's going to be a wild ride!


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