Friday, September 22, 2006

L'Shana Tova! Tonight is the Jewish New Year -- and I was invited by a dear friend and fellow photographer to celebrate with his family. I met Bill Aron about 2 years ago and have had the opportunity to assist him and become his friend. He is an amazing photographer with several books to his credit. My favorite one is called Shalom Y'all and is about Jews in the South. His pictures are astounding. Wow. Tracy and I have both had the opportunity to work with him and are waiting anxiously for his newest book to come out. We were invited to work with him while he documented 100 holocaust survivors here in Los Angeles. It was an amazing experience for us both, hearing the stories and meeting the surviors.

Life is funny. I was introduced to Bill by an old boyfriend's mother. And I remember at the time thinking -- I can't imagine anything worse than having dinner with a "really famous" photographer and having someone say -- Oh -- by the way, Keats is a photographer too. (Somebody shoot me now!) Well, that's pretty much exactly how it happened... and despite my red face, I'm so grateful that it did -- Bill and I have been friends ever since.

Tonight was warm and wonderful and about family, and faith and sharing and it felt so special to be included.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I've been taking a series of really cool classes about UNDERSTANDING MEN... (Not just because I'm single either - but because they represent over 1/2 the population:) They are my dad, my guy friends, my exes, my neighbors, my bosses etc - so frankly I was curious. My friend Marisa turned me on to this series and it has been really life changing. One of my favorite revelations was earned in the first 5 minutes of the first class -- After a bit of discussion it was revealed to me that just like most women, I do actually view MEN as if they were "hairy mis-behaving women" -- which as you can imagine is the root of most of my misconceptions, hurt feelings and insatiable desire to make them behave ... you know... the way "the ideal woman" would.

I have learned so much and gained so much respect for the men in my life from taking these classes. And already this new perspective has helped me see past relationships in a totally new and more empowering light. Wow -- it's amazing what "new" information can add to the scale of possiblities.

I'll post more on this later -- but for now... remember the simple concept -- men are NOT just hairy-mis-behaving women -- and -- begin to be very curious about this concept of "THE IDEAL WOMAN" -- these two ideas alone could shed light on every person on the planet. WOW! We are really awesome, well designed and meant to complement each other. It's amazing. Let me say it again... amazing.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Trade Shows -

What a ton of work! - but also...what a great way to meet new friends.

Pictage's Partnercon just wrapped up tonight and thankfully, I had a tremenduous team of people to help me for the past 2 days. Even though we didn't get enough sleep and were on our feet all day, we really did have a great time and do a great job selling GARYFONG.COM.

Today is my one year anniversary with my new job and it's been a wild year. Almost everyone I've met this year at work has been new and I've had so many NEW experiences with these people that it's been an amazing learning experience for me both personally and professionally. It's like that old song -- make new friends, but keep the old - one is silver and the other gold. I am incredibly grateful for the staying power of my gold friends. Hard to imagine where I'd be without them.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I never really know what I'm going to write about when I sit down to update my blog. I guess that's because I'm still really sort of finding my voice with it. A photographer I know posted tonight a "change" of focus in his blog. He said he had been feeling pressured to be politically correct since the blog was a marketing tool for his business. He was alerting his audience that he would be throwing caution to the wind and taking his blog back. Personal Journal or Marketing Tool? Writing for yourself or writing for others to read? It's a funny question -- of the handful of blogs I read, I don't think I've come across one that is totally written as a personal journal. I guess that's because they are inherently PUBLIC. Is this just my businesses version of reality tv. I can answer that ... it definitely is -- and it makes me wonder just how REAL any of it really is.
Still unpacking from the Pasadena move. I can't wait to finally get the office and the rest of the place set up. I love my new location. I Love my new home!

Two things I did today that totally humbled me. I ordered an IPOD gift certificate for my client. (I still don't have one.) and I got my first blackberry. I feel some sort of pressure to keep up with the technology - but honestly -- it takes me a while to get interested and see the value. Maybe that's how it happens. Have you ever really wondered about that thing where older pepople become "anti" the newest technology. I'm happy to report -- that I really, really want an IPOD and am disappointed that I didn't get one for my birthday and I'm totally excited about the blackberry. (Once I learn to answer it == I'm sure it will be smooth sailin' :)

Monday, June 26, 2006

What a weekend. My good friend Tracy came to the Nissan Golf Tournament and put in a really long day with me. We were up at 4:45 and on the course by 5:45 am. We shot two courses of players and then met at a local Palm Springs lab. While the pictures were printing we grabbed lunch and then started stuffing folios. Tracy was with me at WPPI in Las Vegas this past April and she said -- I'm having Vegas flashbacks which was in reference to the serious manual labor we did for that project. Amazing how many events I particpate in that involve these manual moments of over achieving. Wonder what that says about me :) and now Tracy :)

The dinner was incredible. I got to see it again for the first time through Tracy's eyes as this was her first year. She was moved to tears, got goose bumps and was Wowed! by the amount of money raised and the fun that was had. All and all -- signs of a GREAT EVENT. Way to go Nissan!

Stopped by the outlet malls on the way home to Los Angeles and Tracy helped me pick out a new pair of sunglasses. It's funny how you always chose the thing that's the most famillar. I kept reaching for glasses that were small and subtle -- but this year -- big and bug like is totally in. It took some encouraging -- but I finally found a pair of BIG, BUG LIKE, SWANKY SUNGLASSES. I'm going to have to really change the way I have always seen myself to pull these off - but then, isn't that the beauty of it!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tomorrow I am heading to Palm Springs to shoot an annual Golf Tournament that I have shot for the past 3 years. It's a fantastic event that is hosted by Nissan to support Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. It's called the KIDS DREAM. It's a super LONG DAY for me -- but lots of fun and for a really great cause. I'll have sunburned shoulders on Monday for sure :)

On another note, I had an interesting call today from a photojournalist in San Francisco. He had attended the Gary Fong: One Step Ahead Tour in February. He wanted to know if he bought the Step by Step Guide to Getting Rich as a Photographer DVD (which is a recap of the One Step Ahead Tour) would Gary be willing to mentor him if he had questions.

His call made me think about something Gary always says... "I can tell 10 people the secrets to making money" and only two of them will actually do anything about it. This man was saying -- I want to do it -- sign me up -- etc, but yet, I could hear something else in his voice. I think I recognize something else in myself too.

Have you ever wondered what you actually do believe about success -- and more importantly -- what do you believe about yourself AS a success?